A House of Cards

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I am long overdue...

for a blog post, so here we go.

Not too much exciting happening in my neck of the woods. The kids started soccer last week, so now we have three nights a week tied up for practices. When games start it will go to four. UGHHH! I love for my kids to be involved in extracurricular activities, but it's hard when it ties up so much of our time. And from what I hear, it is only going to get worse as they get older. Guess I better just get used to it and enjoy the ride, huh? ;)

Today I have a few things to share. Do you ever use the same technique or similar supplies on cards? Well, I do. (Sometimes not even realizing it.) I made up my Sketch This card for this week,

and I was so proud of myself for not waiting until the very last minute. I sent it to Janelle and went about my day. Well a little later I was organizing some things, and I put this week's and last week's cards side by side.

Duh! I basically made the same card as last week. It had a different theme, but was pretty much the same. The layouts were similar, I tied the ribbons the same, the stitches were pretty much the same, the card shape was the same. Oh well... I guess when you like certain techniques, you tend to do them over and over, huh? So, forgive my oversight. I will try to change it up next week.

Well I need to get some chores and projects done today, so I better get my butt off the computer and get moving. Thanks for stopping by!


TiteC said...

love those cards, the colors are great!

xxx from France

Kandis Smith said...

I love these!!I don't think they look so much alike!! TOTALLY cute!

Hilary Kanwischer said...

BEAUTIFUL cards Roree. Your work is always so much fun to look at. Great work as always. :)

~Nancy~ said...

OH wow.. these cards are awesome Roree.. wow! There's always so much to see on your creations.. so many little details to look at! WOW! Thanks again for the inspiration (and.. I gave you a little award on my blog.) XOXO

Carole Beath said...

Nancy has it so right, Roree, because your cards are just a delight to view, and I look for all those tiny special effects you always add. The little yellow x's on the Friends card are terrific as is the hand stitching on the leafs, and the two tacks of thread as well.

*Beatriz Jennings* said...

OMG! Roree! love your home card! ;) super cute! you have an award on my blog ;)

Lisa Dorsey said...

LOL both of your cards are gorgeous girl! Love that house card, so very cute!

Mimi Hornberger said...

These are fabulous! I love them! TFS! XO, Mimi

Unknown said...

If it ain't broke... right?
I never would have thought that anything was similar on both cards... your cards just make my mouth drop open in awe (and drool)... I just love, love, love your work my friend!!

danni reid. said...

i *heart* your blog and left an award for you on my blog. i'm sure you've received the award, but you are a regular visit and i shared that with my readers. have a wonderful weekend!!

hugs & love!

twinsand2boys said...

Cute cards!

Daniela Dobson said...

Funny, I love them both, and didn't notice the similarities until just now!

Katie said...

They are both SO cute, Roree! I always love to see your work!

Have a great weekend!

Linda Beeson said...

That home sweet home card is just soooo adorable!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous cards Roree. Your cards are always a delight to see :)

Lea L. said...

Well, I think they both look different from each other...and even more important, both are fabulous! I do the same things over and over again too...so don't feel bad!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful cards !!!

Anonymous said...

They are both `Beautiful` cards Rore..Your creations are always a pleasure to see...Have a great Weekend:)~X~